Tradition and modernity are mixed in our space, preserving the charm of history and of the century-old machinery that is still in use and at the same time incorporating the most avant-garde knowledge, materials and techniques. We offer our practice as artisanal and artistic bookbinders and as conservators -restorers of documentary and bibliographic heritage. Our team has extensive training and extensive experience and we put our knowledge at your disposal to advise you and carry out personalized work that adapts to your needs. In our more than 100 years of history, we have had time to acquire one of the largest collections of gold bronzes from Spain and we have worked for numerous nationally and internationally recognized personalities and institutions: Nobel laureates, politicians, actors and film directors, designers, embassies and noble houses. Our binding has survived thanks to a caring and familiar environment since 1907, making us the oldest workshop in Madrid. We maintain the fighting spirit and the desire to carry out the project of which we are heirs, adding to the original project, the restoration of graphic documents and photographs, preventive conservation and training.
Restauradora documento gráfico
Ha desarrollado su carrera como restauradora en varias empresas y se incorpora a Calero como encuadernadora-restauradora
Restauradora documento gráfico y Encuadernadora
Enamorada desde pequeña de los libros, Mónica con su paciencia infinita y buen humor, es la responsable de la formación en Calero y del departamento de restauración.
Restauradora documento gráfico y Fotógrafa
Amplia experiencia en el mundo del arte. Se incorpora con entusiasmo para gestionar el nuevo camino de Calero.
© Encuadernacion Artesanal Calero